What Guides Us

The intentional transformation of our campuses into inspiring places of learning, teaching, research, innovation and partnership. Where buildings, open spaces, landscapes, neighbourhoods and community programs make positive contributions to the academic mission, campus ecology and university communities, resulting in thriving, inclusive and connected campuses.

An aerial photo of Martha Piper fountain
An aerial photo of Martha Piper fountain on Main Mall and University Boulevard

We are working toward this vision by engaging across campus communities and partnering with and learning from campus Host Nations who, for millennia, have been stewards and caretakers of the lands upon which our campuses are located. We approach our work with a recognition of changing global circumstance and uncertainty and balance our work in planning, design, development management, public engagement, community building and sustainability with both a sense of humility and urgency.

Our work is informed and inspired by:

Reciprocity between people, place and academic mission

We see the campus as a living lab to support the academic mission. We work in partnership with our community to test ideas, think big and guide decisions based on what can and should be done. 

Nurturing and respecting our physical environment

We champion planning, designing, building and operating in ways that enhance our physical environment and strengthen our community.

Building and enabling our community

Our work is fundamentally respectful of individual, community, and ecological wellbeing. We work towards reconciliation in partnership with Musqueam, leading to unique, mutually beneficial solutions. 

Planning with purpose and engagement 

We work within our unique governance structure and are accountable to many stakeholders, and look for meaningful ways to facilitate better conversations.